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Lost property and woven dialects, (yes), at their very last hiding place

Curated by Nina Dodd (SYD) and Jonno Revanche

Athena Thebus (SYD) Angela Carrig (ADL) Somayra Ismailjee (PERTH) Drew Holland (SYD) Suu-Mei Chew (SYD) Jesy Kenny (MELB) Kalanjay Dhir (SYD) Will Furtado (BERLIN) Dylan Nicolas (SYD) Jonno Revanche (ADL) Nina Dodd (SYD) Sarah Lim (SYD) Kenneth Pan (SYD)

25 March – 15 April 2017

In Lost property and woven dialects, (yes), at their very last hiding place the gallery acts as an affective archive (or wardrobe), as a performance space (runway), and as an exhibition space for drapings, curvatures, memories upon fabric and cultural relics. The multidisciplinary showing of artefacts is punctuated with interviews and conversations between people who work in costuming, collecting, designing and memory making. Through an integrated collaborative approach, Revanche and Dodd interrogate the intersection between contemporary clothes culture and art, model vs performer, designer vs clothes-maker and artist vs. non artist.

The opening night hosted a runway co-curated by Giuseppe Faraone, that will reinterpret what clothing means outside of the dialect of high fashion. How is this language, concentrated on global fashion centres, translated within the delightful mundanity of smaller Australian cities? How can it be reconsidered to speak to the city and its people, the behaviours and values that define their life? When clothes are understood as an of-the-moment phenomena, dictated by basic symbolisms and cultural capital, what is lost? Are their particulars and intimate associations glossed over? Furthermore this performative event will highlight the historical contribution and viewpoint of queer, trans and femme people, revealing minutiae which are often glossed over or purposefully "unseen" in the spectacle of couture.

Images by Nina Dodd.